Traveling with Kids is the Most Rewarding
All too often, parents say they can't take their kids traveling; "It's to far away, my kids do not adapt well to new settings, their schedules will be off, they are too young to appreciate the experience."Watching children experience new tastes, smells, cultures, and places is the most rewarding part of traveling as a family. Ever since we had kids, we have taken them on adventures nationally and internationally. They were never "too young" to travel, they never had issues adapting to new places and there was never a plane ride that was too long for them (technology helps with this). Children will adapt and embrace their new surroundings. They will want the new adventures and keep you going until you, the parent, are ready to collapse at the end of the night.
Traveling with kids doesn't mean fancy or expensive. It can be as simple as planning a weekend camping trip or driving an hour away to the next city/town over. Or it can be as extravagant as flying halfway around the world to far off destinations. Of course, moments of epic meltdown will happen, as will eye rolling, fights in hotel lobbies (for us, those are standard). But all of this is part of the wonderful moments, the moments that we cling to and remember, the moments that make you realize this is why we brought our children.
We continue to pursue our love of travel and constantly look for adventures that we think our children will enjoy and embrace. My hope and goal is that this blog will help guide you and give you ideas on traveling with kids. Through our experiences and recommendations, we will help transition you from not wanting to travel with children to embracing the idea and opening their world to new experiences, tastes, smells and learning opportunities that they can have with them for the rest of their lives.
The wonders of family travel come when you don't treat your trips like a classroom or a history lesson. You can't do or see it all, but you can introduce your kids to new cultures and experiences, and hope that they will gain a love for travel. Remember, you want your kids to gain a love for travel and a passion for discovery. I promise, you will be able to sneak in some learning without them realizing it.
I have always been an avid traveler. When I met my husband and discovered his love for travel and adventure it was a perfect match. We promised each other to never stop exploring. Now that we have three children, it has become our mission to expose them to as much travel as possible.
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